Training a Dog Commands: Stand

How to teach your dog the command "Stand"?

The command "Stand" is not a waste of time. It may be useful at least for examination by a veterinarian or treatment of parasites. Therefore, be sure to read carefully how to teach your dog the command "stand" in order to manage the dog better and make your life easier. Amstaff Standing with C113 Collar
    So, take a collar, a leash, treats, and go into a well-known place. You will teach your dog to stand in the process of teaching it other commands.

How to teach your puppy or dog a "Stand"?
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    In the process of teaching commands "Sit" and "Down" you will teach the animal to stand. For this:
First, the dog should be near your left foot, as for a command "heel". Do not let it turn and do something else other than what you ordered it. That is, it has to sit without stepping aside!
Then say "Stand", take the dog under the belly and put it in a standing position. Dog, thus, is between your left arm and left leg. Remember that it should be strictly by your left foot. Do not let it spin! Just grab it and strictly put him beside you if he changes the original position. Your actions should be strict, and requests – clear, this is the key to success! But it makes no sense to beat the animal.
When the dog is standing there and not moving at least for 3-4 seconds - praise him while stroking his belly: "Stand, stand, good." You can give treats, but do not allow the dog to move! It must clearly stand nearby and not to move. If it moved reaching for a treat - immediately put it in place, and give a treat next time.
    Give the other command. For example, a 'Sit', then 'Go', again 'Sit', then 'Stand', then 'Down' and then 'Stand' again. That is, mix the commands. The dog should not know which command will be the next. Lift it with hand under the belly. Say "Stand" and immediately lift the animal taking him by left hand under the belly as described above. Bulldog with Collar and Leash
    Do not often change commands – make pauses of 10-20 seconds between them. Moreover, always say the command only once! Do not teach the dog to work after 5th - 10th time.
    Be demanding and work with the same command! If the dog is not properly performing this command, you need to be stricter. Raising it under belly, do it stricter. Give a distinctly strict command and then immediately lift the dog in the standing position. Be careful, there is no sense to cause a little bit of pain to the dog! It just has to feel you are uncompromising..
    When you work out the command "Stand", be sure to teach the dog a kind of endurance. But a little later, not at the first lesson. For example put the dog in a standing position, and let it keep standing for 15-20 seconds. At this time, you can pat it once under the belly and say, "Stand, stand, well done", otherwise it may want to sit down too early. Then give the other command and continue training as usual. When the dog performs your command correctly - praise it, but strictly put in a standing position by your left foot if it disobeys. Malinois Spiked Collar C444
    Make the dog keep its position (the dog does not move in a standing position) at least for 1 minute. Better to 3-5 minutes. Once you see that the animal is going to sit or stand aside - immediately stroke it under the belly and say "Stand, stand, good." But if the dog gets too frequently or immediately after you rewarded him, you need to be more strict, more demanding - lift it under the belly and put strictly by your left foot. Work stricter, but sometimes it is useful to catch the dog when it wants to sit down, patting him under the belly. That is, as if to remind the dog that it is necessary to stand and encourage it.Dog Happy Training Gear
   Conclusion. In fact, this command is very simple to perform. It is much more difficult to understand its written description. Be sure that when you start practising this command, and then read the instructions again, you will get a much clearer picture in your head. Work in the future will be much easier. Learn both how to train and feel your dog, anticipate its actions and you will quickly achieve success.

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