Abbreviations in Dog SportCYNOLOGICAL ABBREVIATIONS DECRYPTFCI / Federation Cynologique Internationale - International Federation of dog handlers. It is one of the largest and most reputable international federations, includes SIC and RKF and other federations of the majority of countries.
The purpose of FCI association is consolidation of dog trainers all
over the world, promoting breeds' development, breeding purebred
dogs with good health and exterior corresponding to the breed
standard, maintaining a high standard of working qualities of
hunting and service dog breeds. FCI creates rules to facilitate
mutual recognition of studbooks and pedigrees from different
countries and organizations, register international nurseries'
names. FCI approves the final standard of dog breeds, rules of the international shows' organization and the titles, it certifies international pedigrees, etc..FCI is a successful attempt to centralize and unify all cynologists to develop a common path of development. However, not all countries are members of FCI and as a result, for example, dogs in England and America may be slightly different from their European counterparts. However, dogs with English bloodlines (COP English Kennel Club), Canadian (SCS Canadian Kennel Club) or American (the AKC American Kennel Club) are recognized by FCI.
CACIB/Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Beaute
- Candidate to International Champion (eligibility certificate to
beauty interchampions). This certificate is obtained at the international exhibitions.
Usually, it is awarded to the best male and the best female in the
breed. In the future, when the required number of certificates CACIB
is collected, they can be exchanged for the title of International
Champion. R.CACIB - Reserve Candidate to International Champion. This certificate is also obtained at international exhibitions. It is awarded to male and female dogs who are ranked second after the winners (best female and best male). R.CACIB certificates are also taken into consideration when the title of International Champion is obtained. Ch. / Champion - Champion. This title is obtained by exchanging several CAC certificates (Candidate for Champion), received at several exhibitions from different experts. Normally an abbreviated name of the country is put before the title, from which the champion dog is. For example, Pol.Ch. - Champion of Poland. Moreover, it is worth considering that the beauty (exterior) champion is meant by this title. If the dog is a Working Champion, then the name of sports is added to the title of Champion – sports in which the dog has won. Professional Dog Beauty Exhibition For example World Ch.IPO III – The World Champion in sports training. IPO RUS.Ch. (RKF) – Beauty Champion of Russia in RKF system. Ch. / Schweiz Champion – Beauty Champion of Switzerland is assigned, respectively, after several CAC titles are obtained in Switzerland. Some mistakenly believe that SchWZ.Ch. is the Working Champion, but it is not so! This is because the name of the country (Switzerland) and the abbreviated name of the sport SchH are similar. Small Dog Show Champion J.Ch. / Jang Champion - Junior Champion. Also assigned when several J.CAC titles obtained (the young Candidate to National Champion) in the junior class. CAC / Certificat d'Aptitude au Champion - Candidate to National Champion. This certificate is obtained at all the certified exhibitions from regional to international. On the regional exhibition it is assigned to the best male and the best female, on the national and international – to each class winner. In the future, when a required number of CAC certificates is collected, they are exchanged for the title of National Champion. Accordingly, the dog becomes the champion in the country where the certificates were obtained. Dog Ring in Ukraine. CAC. J. CAC - Junior Conformity Certificate (Junior Candidate to National Champion). This certificate is also received at all of the certified exhibitions, from regional to international. It is awarded to the winners in the junior class. In the future, when a required number of J.CAC certificates is obtained they are exchanged for the title of Junior National Champion. Accordingly, the dog becomes a young champion of the country where the certificates were obtained. R.CAC - Reserve Candidate to National Champion. This certificate is obtained at all of the certified exhibitions, from regional to international. It is assigned to a dog second to the winner while exchanging the certificates for the title of National Champion. CC - Conformity Certificate. This certificate is awarded on monobreed exhibitions to the dogs that got excellent and headed the list from 1 to 4. Like all certificates, it is awarded only at discretion of the judge. Evaluation at exhibition or contest Comparative rings, titles and awards V - excellent, SG - very good, G - good. An expert in all classes defines only the first four places in the ring with an "excellent" mark, the rest receive free placement assessment. Expert's decision is final. All dogs that passed examination receive a diploma, an evaluation sheet and a corresponding ribbon. In all classes, except puppy class, evaluation is the following: "excellent" "very good" "good" "sufficient" In the Puppy class evaluation is the following: "Very Promising" – diploma, scorecard, white ribbon with a blue cord; "Promising" – diploma, scorecard, white ribbon with a red cord; "Not promising" – diploma and scorecard. A puppy (male female), who took the I-st place in the puppy class, gets the title "Best of Breed" regardless of the number of dogs taking part in the ring. Then two winners of the “Best of Sex” of each breed are compared in the ring. The winner receives the title "Best Puppy" which is written down the diploma. The best puppies of every breed take part in puppy BIS, receive a rosette and a prize. A puppy, who won the puppy BIS, gets the title "Best in Show - Puppy", a prize and a rosette. A dog (male / female), which has won I-st place in the junior class, receives the title "Best Junior" and a diploma, regardless of the number of dogs, submitted for examination in the ring. Then the two class winners (male and female) in each breed (and in every hight variety, type and color of coat, if allowed in instructions). The winner receives the title "Junior Champion of ... (name of the country)", which is written down the diploma, and a blue-and-white ribbon. Best Junior of each breed takes part in the "Best Junior" of juniors. The winner of each of the FCI groups is awarded with the title "Best in Group - Junior". The winners of "Best in Group - Junior" are compared in the final ring. The winner receives the title "Best in Show - Junior ", a rosette and a prize. * This title does not give the right to exhibit a dog in Champion class. BIG / Best in Group - Group Winner (on all-breeds show). The best
representatives of different breeds are compared in a group. All
breeds are divided into FCI groups. Dogs are evaluated on 1 to 3 place, so there is often an indication, such as, for example, BIG-2, in.e. 2nd place in the contest. BIG BIS / Best in Show - Show Winner (all-breed). The winner of Best in Show exhibition is selected by comparing the group winners. Also awarded with places. FH CACT / Certificat d'Aptitude au Champion de Travail - Candidate to National Working Champion, it is awarded in various sports competitions. When a certain number of CACT certificates is collected, they are to exchange for the National Working Champion (the names of the training contests added). CACIT / Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International de Travail - Candidate to International Working Champion. Assigned at various sports competitions. When a certain number of CACIT certificates is collected, they are exchanged for the title of International Working Champion (with the name or working tests added).
CACIOB / Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International
d'Obeissance - Candidate to International Obedience Champion.
Assigned at sporting competitions on obedience. When a certain
number of CACIT certificates are collected, they are to exchange for
the title of International Obedience Champion. CACIAG / Certificat d'Aptitude au Championnat International Agility - Candidate for International Agility Champion. ED – elbow dysplasia test. HD - hip dysplasia test. Hip Dysplasia is a serious hereditary disease resulting in lameness and limitation of joint mobility, and in severe cases a dog's inability to walk and, consequently, to death (or euthanasia). Large dogs are particularly predisposed for dysplasia, so, for many years, only dogs who passed the test (x-ray) are allowed for breeding. The degree of dysplasia is denoted by the letters ABCDE or icons -, +/-, +, ++, +++ |